
LU04.L01 - Library
import pytest as pytest
from book import Book
def test_init_correct():
    create a book with title and isbn
    book = Book('My book', '978-8-456-01789-2')
    assert type(book) is Book
    assert book.title == 'My book'
    assert book.isbn == '978-8-456-01789-2'
def test_init_wrong():
    create a book with one value or none
    book = Book('wrong')
def test_output(book1):
    check the output when printing a book
    assert book1.__str__() == 'Book(title=\'First book\', isbn=\'978-1-111-11111-1\', location=None)'
def test_location_1(book1):
    is location empty when creating a book with title and isbn
    assert type(book1) is Book
    assert book1.location is None
def test_location_2():
    is location empty when creating a book with title, isbn and location
    book = Book('The location', '978-1-111-11111-1', 'shelf a1')
    assert type(book) is Book
    assert book.location is None
def book1():
    return Book('First book', '978-1-111-11111-1')
import pytest
from customer import Customer
from library import Library
def test_init():
    library = Library()
    assert type(library.customers) is list
    assert library.customers == []
    assert type(library.booklist) is list
    assert library.booklist == []
def test_add_customers(library_empty, customer_a, customer_b):
    assert len(library_empty.customers) == 2
    assert customer_a in library_empty.customers
    assert customer_b in library_empty.customers
def library_empty():
    return Library()
def library_customers(library_empty):
    return Library()
def customer_a(library_empty):
    return Customer('Hanna', None, library_empty)
def customer_b(library_empty):
    return Customer('Edy', None, library_empty)

Marcel Suter

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