LU05.A06 - v-bind with shorthand
- Work type: Individual
- Means of aid: only teaching materials, no websearch, no use of ai.
- Timeframe: 10 Minutes
- Expected result: Script that used the v-bind in the short-hand version.
Learning objectives
- Be able to bind ressources with the shorthand version of v-bind
- Understanding the interaction of the SFC concept (single file component)
- Open the URL with the exercise, which is given above.
- Add to the style-area a new class myClass2 with the background-color: red
- Add a new div which incorporates the second style element.
- Toggle in the script area with the values true and false, which activates and deactivates wether the style are being used or not
- Execute your script by having it run.
- Save your solution accordingly. Therefore you might need a W3-School-Account.