LU05 - Directives - TBD
LU05a - VUE Directives
LU05b - v-bind
LU05c - v-bind practical application in Webstorm - TBD
LU05d - v-if
LU05d - v-show- TBD
LU05e - v-for- TBD
LU05.A01 - VUE Directives - Control questions
LU05.A02 - VUE Directives warm up
LU05.A03 - v-bind with src
LU05.A04 - v-bind with css-class
LU05.A05 - v-bind with style
LU05.A06 - v-bind with shorthand
LU05.A07 - TBD - v-bind in WEBSTORM (src, css, style, shorthand)
LU05.A08 - v-if (simple)
LU05.A09 - v-if with logical operators
LU05.A10 - v-else-if and v-else
LU05.A11 - v-if and functions
LU05.A12 - v-if, v-else ... combined with AND/OR operators
LU05.A13 - TBD - v-if in WEBSTORM (A08 + A09 + A10 + A11 + A12)
LU05.S01 - Vue Directives - Control questions
LU05.S02 - VUE Directives warm up
LU05.S03 - v-bind with src
LU05.S04 - v-bind with css-class
LU05.S05 - v-bind with style
LU05.S06 - v-bind with shorthand
LU05.S07 - TBD - v-bind in WEBSTORM (src, css, style, shorthand
LU05.S08 - v-if (simple)
LU05.S09 - v-if with logical operators
LU05.S10 - v-else-if and v-else
LU05.S11 - v-if and functions
LU05.S12 - v-if, v-else ... combined with AND/OR operators
LU05.S13 - TBD - v-if in WEBSTORM (A08 + A09 + A10 + A11 + A12)
Volkan Demir